European Project


The E-MPROVER project responds to the need identified by partner organizations to have youth workers ready to educate young people to set up online businesses, but also to the need of young people from local communities to receive quality training that can guide them in their starting and developing an online business.

Entrepreneurial Training

Young people from local communities will receive quality training that can guide them in their starting and developing an online business. Entrepreneurial education focusing on the development of traditional enterprises and on the new context of integrating digital innovation.


Developing and managing an online business rather than a traditional activity is easier for migrants, low-income people, people with disabilities or people geographically isolated. 


About e-mprover

The socio-economic evolution of recent years has presented the EU with two challenges: the increase of the young people percentage who are not involved in some form of education and who are unemployed (NEETs) and the increasing of the influence that the Internet has in the daily life of young people, as well as in the business area. The importance that the Internet plays nowadays can be seen and used as an opportunity by many of these young people, and the development of an online business can be a viable solution to the lack of attractive jobs, especially for deprived young people.



The intellectual output will be the E-MPROVER kit that will consist of 3 modules, an e-learning platform and an Online Training Virtual Tutorial. The platform will provide open access to trainees and youth workers who wish to use the material, an instrument, at the same time, via which the training will be provided. The 3 theoretical modules will focus on the following topics:

How to plan an online business

How to manage an online business

Using ICTs to promote business


The following photos are taken during project activities!


Every project needs collaboration.

Strength through unity



If you have questions or just want to get in touch, use the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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